
Suhaib M. Siddiqi Ssiddiqi@InspirePharm.Com
Fri Jun 18 06:38:00 GMT 1999

Hi Colin,

I have updated the sources of the cygwin-xfree.
Unfortunately, you will have to do a bit of odwnload first.

What you need is xc-1.tar.bz2, xc-2.tar.bz2, and xc-3.tar.bz2.  Extracting
these will create a
directory xc.  You will need GGI installed in /usr/local.  To compile GGI
you need X11R6.3 libraries
and to compile the sources in (X11R6.3 based Windows system) you
need GGI.
So it is a head and tail game ;-)  Therefore, I have a precompiled X11R6.3
libraries for Cygwin B20.1 available on the Sourceware.  Please install the
X11R6.3 libs in /usr/X11R6.

1) Extract the GGI bzip2 archive.  It will create a *degas* directory.  Cd
to /degas/libs/libgii
and type

./configure --with-x --x-includes=/usr/X11R6/include --x-libraries=/usr/X11R
6/lib --disable-linux-mouse --disable-linux-joy --disable-linux-keyboard.
(check ./configure --help to see if the spellings
or syntex of these --disable--xxx are correct)

Then type make and afterward make install.

2) Cd to /degas/libs/libggi and type the above ./configure command agains
followed by make and make install.

3) Extract the XC-x.tar.bz2 archives

4) Cd to xc directory and type *make World*.  Donot worry about Xprt.exe
(Print server)
and Xvfb.exe (X-video server) not being compiled, at the moment.  I am
working on
a fix for this.  they are not the must right now.

5) It take one hours on my 500 MHz Pentium III PC machine to compile the
cygwin-xfree code.  After complication is finished, type *make install*.  It
will install the compiled libs, header files and
executables in /usr/X11R6

Please fel free to write if you need help or have any questions.

We look forward to your help for a DirectX/DirectInpit target for GGI.


Ps: I am CC'ing this message to cygwin-xfree list, so other users also get
informed about sources
updates.  Hope it is Ok.

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