MSVC vs Cygwin X11 progs

Suhaib Siddiqi
Mon Jan 10 12:50:00 GMT 2000


Great... I was actually expecting the code compiled with MSVC and
Cygwin/GCC to have same speed.  Using MSVC you have to omit a lot of
optimozation which introduced in X11R6.x, while with
Cygwin/GCC I was able to port almost all what is compiled on Linux.
Cygwin UNIX emulation does make code slower, in this case in
comparision to MSVC it is not bad.

I am ccing this cygwin-xfree list for other users info.


> -----Original Message-----
> From: John Fortin [ ]
> Sent: Monday, January 10, 2000 3:39 PM
> To: Suhaib Siddiqi
> Subject: MSVC vs Cygwin X11 progs
> Suhaib,
>     Just for the heck of it, I ran the MCVC version of
> x11perf against
> the cygwin version.  I expected the MSVC version to be
> faster and I
> wanted to see by how much.
>    Well, I was suprised by the results.  They were very
> even.  Some
> tests cygwin x11perf was faster, some msvc x11perf was
> faster.  Overall,
> they seemed very close.
>    Attached are the results.... Run under P180, 128 MG
> Ram, 16bit color
> under Hummingbird.
> John

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