DXWin32 and XGDI new binaries

Suhaib Siddiqi s_m_siddiqi@yahoo.com
Fri Jun 9 17:10:00 GMT 2000

I uplaoded the new binaries of XGDI.exe and
only in the contrib directory.  
Users who are slow performance, these MIGHT help.
X-servers-v-1.0-exe.tar.bz2 contains only XGDI.exe and
DXWIn32.exe.  Extract and put them in c:\usr\bin\X11.

In the "drivers" directory, I uploaded xf_dx.dll code
and precompiled xf_dx.dll (Released and Debug
versions).  Please note... xf_dx.dll is not a real
DirectX driver.  It contains code specific to
Anyother use for developing a DirectX applications
will not work.  Nmae of the archive is:
xf_dx_2.0.tar.bz2.  Users who wants to try xf_dx.dll
should place the xf_dx.dll in /usr/X11R6/bin directory
with XWin.exe.



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