cygwin XFree86 as windows window manager ?
Mon Jun 12 06:19:00 GMT 2000

I used to think that one of the things that made X so much better than
windows was that window management was done in a seperate layer (the
windom manager), so it could be totally customized, and that Windows
didn't have this.

Then one day I came across litestep (  Windows
(95/98/NT) uses a desktop shell.  That happens to be one of the functions
of explorer.exe -- that's what handles the icons on your desktop, your
task bar, etc.

Litestep is styled after X type GUIs.  litestep.exe is used to replace
explorer.exe as your desktop shell.  It's neat.  But the significant part
here is that it can be done, has been done, and the source code is
available under the GPL.

On the cygwin/xfree page, it states "One of the desired feature is;
integration of X Desktop with Windows Desktop, so X and Win32 can share
same desktop."  I'm guessing you mean allowing explorer to handle the X
client windows ?

I have a more fun idea.

What would it take to use cygwin/XFree86 as my desktop shell under windows ?

And don't try telling me it can't be done.

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