cygwin XFree86 as windows window manager ?

Suhaib Siddiqi
Mon Jun 12 07:34:00 GMT 2000

> Well, the impression I've gotten is that it is just impossible, because
> the stuff I want from enlightenment (window title bars, etc), is handled
> at a lower level than the desktop shell which we could potentiall replace.
> The goal listed on the web page of allowing explorer to handle the window
> management of X apps, while it does not give us as much control, seems
> like the only way to achieve a uniform interface between X & windows apps.

That goal mean:

1) Doing Multi-windowing in a maaner that X-desktop would not hide Win32

3) Adding Win32 Clipboard to one of the existing Window Manager or
xclipboard, which would
allow cut and paste between and X and Win32 applications.

These are the desired features, which would make current X-servers
comparable to
commercial x-servers.


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