help with x11 server

Jun Sung
Thu Jun 29 02:59:00 GMT 2000

hi, i apologize for taking up your time
all i wanted was to be able to run a terminal with scrollbar on the right
so i can view history of outputs without having to more/less every command
another reason was that ddd doesn't seem to like the fact that i don't have
an xserver.

the best soln at hand was to install xserver with xterm to replace dos
prompt running bash
i have spent an agonizing 5~6 hrs trying to install xfree86
well, forget about compiling & building this myself
the directions at was far too

i don't even remember where but i download a bz2 file
 which had all the compiled servers (directx version)
but for some reason it is giving me the following error whenever i startx(or
rather startdx)
the errors are as follows, two dialog messages actually:
 Couldn't open RGB_DB '/usr/lib/X11/rgb
 Could not open default font 'fixed'

if i had to compile & build xfree86 from scratch is there a how-to?
otherwise if there is the simple solution to the problem i have mentioned
i would be eager to listen

i thank you in advance for your kind help

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