crash in XFillRectangle?

Pavel Kudrna
Thu Mar 16 14:40:00 GMT 2000

My program runs well under Redhat6, Suse, HPUX but crashes 
under CYGWIN calling XFillRectangle after it successfully 
creates the pixmap with the function XCreatePixmap.

How can I debug into XFillRectangle() which is in .dll?
Is it OK that gdb can't backtrace and read in the core dump? 

Program is running on WinNT4.0, CygwinB20.1, Starnet X-
Win32, Pentium II, 512MB memory.

Do you have any suggestions?

pixmap = XCreatePixmap(theDisplay, Tk_WindowId(tkwin),
        Tk_Width(tkwin), Tk_Height(tkwin),
XFillRectangle(theDisplay, pixmap, wingc,
         0, 0, Tk_Width(tkwin), Tk_Height(tkwin)

The error message is:
[main] c:\progra~1\cygnus\root\home\kudrna\xtest.exe 2029 
handle_exceptions: Exception: STATUS_ACCESS_VIOLATION
[main] xtest 2029 (0) handle_exceptions: Dumping stack trace 
to xtest.exe.core

The same program under ddd debugger gives

Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
0x66309485 in _size_of_stack_reserve__ ()
(gdb)  ^
       ^this address is inside cygtk80.dll

Pavel Kudrna.

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