
Frank Ramsay fjr@marsdome.penguinpowered.com
Fri Mar 24 16:47:00 GMT 2000

Hi all,
  I've been looking for a free (and complete) XServer for windows, I think the
XGGI-XServer is what I need, but I can't find some of the required .dll files.
Can someone help me?
When I try and run the executable I get a messagebox saying it's looking for
libgg-0-0-6.dll.  I (think) I followed the dirrections on
http://sourceware.cygnus.com/ml/cygwin-xfree/2000-q1/msg00056.html correctly,
but I can't find this dll.  So could some kind soul point me to where I can
find a compiled .dll's for libgg-0-0-6.dll and libgii-0-0-6.dll (This is also
mentioned on the website, but again I can't find it)?  If you have them (and
have the bandwith), you can just e-mail them to me.   Thanks :)


Frank J. Ramsay

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