dll initialization

Craig Stevenson craig_stevenson_of_socorro@yahoo.com
Wed May 10 20:47:00 GMT 2000

Hi all:

After struggling with trying to make a dynamic version
of the higher level X libraries, such as Xt.  It seems
that I need to know something about dll initialization
in the context of what is going on with X.  

Basic DLL's that I built have have been able to make
use of global data with the decoration of __declspec's
as appropriate.  But that does not seem to be enough
for the higher level X stuff.  There appears to be a
need for additional, manual, initialization.  (Is this
a multithread issue?)

Could someone point me somewhere so that I could learn
what is going on.  I suppose that some discussion
would be useful concerning how the higher level X
libraries are 'different' from the (perhaps simple)
DLL's that I've been coding myself. 

I'll certainly believe the maxim that global data is
evil!  But it is not just global data, this is a
global pointer issue I'm sure.  Perhaps something as
simple as an allocation in an initialization step is
all that is required.  At any rate I'm convinced that
there is a general purpose programming lesson for me

Thanks for the help.

-- Craig Stevenson
-- Home Page: http://www.sdc.org/~craigs/
-- Recently computed: The 200 billionth digit of pi is 2.

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