[ANNOUNCEMENT] Offscreen and No DirectInput Test 6

Harold Hunt Harold@compasstechnologies.com
Wed Nov 1 09:27:00 GMT 2000

Screenshots, 1024x768:
1)  A local xterm:
http://www.msu.edu/~huntharo/CygwinXFree86-ScreenShot-xterm.png (160 kB)

2)  Remote gftp running on a GNU/Linux host with Gnome installed:
http://www.msu.edu/~huntharo/CygwinXFree86-ScreenShot-gftp.png (153 kB)

1)  Copying from the offscreen buffer to the primary surface buffer is now
throttled to no more than 15 frames per second.

2)  An extraneous check for overlay support was removed.

3)  A few flags were added to the surface locking function to, hopefully,
ensure that the surface is locked without failure.

4)  Offscreen frame buffer memory address changes are now detected and the X
server is notified of the new address when this happens (should be rare).

5)  The bounding window is now brought to the top of the window z order
after it is created.

6)  Tokens containing "overlay" were modified to contain "offscreen".

7)  Some commented out DirectInput code was removed.

I'm just about ready to admit defeat in the video card compatibility
department, I'm running out of ideas, and I can't reproduce the problems
with my equipment.  Please, look at the source for
winDXAllocateFramebufferMemory() if you think you could add any insight; the
function only has about 20 non error handling lines, so it should be easy to
grasp the concept and start playing around with different ideas.  Take a
look at the source even if you don't have Visual C++; let me know if you
have any suggestions and I'll compile them and send them to you to test.

Updates in this test release were constrained to xf_dx.dll, so, if you
already have the Test 3, or greater, full package
(OverlayAndNoDITest.tar.bz2) installed, you can just download the xf_dx.dll
package; otherwise, download the full Test 6 package.

Full Test 6 Package:
http://www.msu.edu/~huntharo/OverlayAndNoDITest.tar.bz2 (1.7 MB)
Test 6 xf_dx.dll Package:
http://www.msu.edu/~huntharo/xf_dx.dll.tar.bz2 (43 kB)

You can download the xf_dx.dll test 6 source if you have Visual C++ 6 and
you feel like poking around:
http://www.msu.edu/~huntharo/xf_dx-src.zip (14 kB)

Good luck, enjoy, and thanks for testing,


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