Built XFree86 4.0.1 on CYGWIN 1.1.5 - no world-shaking errors, but...

Andreas Eibach a.eibach@gmx.net
Fri Nov 17 14:40:00 GMT 2000

XFree 4.0.1 compiled *quite* OOTB on my old'n trusty Win 95b machine. :)

That's the positive part.
The negative one is that there is no Xinit or StartX or Xwin.exe AT ALL.

Again: it did NOT quit with a Fatal Error or something else, it just worked.
Now I've got zillions of additional bytes in /usr/X11R6/* but I cannot start
the X Server because I don't have an executable for it. That's strange,
isn't it? ;)

A "mini"-error occured, however but I don't care a fsck for that if the
other things compile well!

While building the fonts, stderr complained about a missing 'bdftopcf'
binary tool and it was right : there wasn't any binary that could be
found in this */exports/* path.
A path correction somewhere in the Makefiles should fix it but I won't: I
don't want to risk a fatal error if I make a mistake and tackle the wrong

Furthermore, there were loads of options in my couple-of-MB-size log file
that complained about macros that were unknown to the system.
- macro 'XYZ' not recognised - ignoring
Can _I_ really "ignore" this?

I'm concluding now with a complaint about a missing lib: (> during 'make

SM? What the hell is this? :)

Otherwise, GREAT WORK, Suhaib and all the others.
I've never thought in my life I'd ever see an X Server running on a Windows
background. :)


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