Where can I find X11R6.4 & LessTif binaries?

Suhaib Siddiqi ssiddiqi@inspirepharm.com
Mon Nov 27 18:24:00 GMT 2000

I hope, You should be fine with what you have.
Give it a try if you run into problems, post detail error
messages at this list please.


-----Original Message-----
From: Jong B. Lee
To: cygwin-xfree@sources.redhat.com
Sent: 11/27/2000 9:01 PM
Subject: Re: Where can I find  X11R6.4 & LessTif  binaries?

Thanks, Suhaib,

I have one more question.

According to LessTif Installation Instructions at LessTif home page,
LessTif needs automake and libtool,
and automake requires perl to be compiled,
those are not included in cygwin.

Currently, I'm using perl-5.6.0 and automake at CygUtils home
and libtool compiled from gnu source.

Is this a right proceedure?

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Suhaib Siddiqi" <ssiddiqi@inspirepharm.com>
To: <cygwin-xfree@sources.redhat.com>
Sent: Tuesday, November 28, 2000 10:22 AM
Subject: RE: Where can I find X11R6.4 & LessTif binaries?

> The answer is you still need Cygwin/XFree86 from
> http://sources.redhat.com/cygwin/xfree .  The X-server executable will
> force you to use it if you do not want it.  You can use libxxx.a and
> dll for development purposes.
> As far as LessTif is concerned, Lesstif now compiled pretty much of
> box, at elast libraries does, exccept mwm client which need Stiple
> bitmap, and if you are not going to use mwm as a Window manager,
> download the latest LessTif sources from http://www.lesstif.org , run
> ./conifgure --with-x --x-includes=/usr/X11R6/include and --x-
> libraries=/usr/X11R6/lib --enable-production=yes --enable-static=yes,
> enable-sahred=no

> then make
> that will be it.
> I do not suply precompiled LessTif binaries to LessTif.org any more
> LessTif libraries at now compile out of the box, under Cygwin.
> Suhaib
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Jong B. Lee
> To: cygwin-xfree@sources.redhat.com
> Sent: 11/27/2000 7:53 PM
> Subject: Where can I find  X11R6.4 & LessTif  binaries?
> Dear Cygwin users,
> I was using    cygwin B20.1 + Mumit Khan's gcc-2.95.2 + X11 libraries
> (including lesstif).
> Now, I installed new cygwin net release.
> But, couln't find  X11 libraries.
> I know there are XFree86 libraries.
> But, that's not what I want. (I think...)
> I don't need X server...
> My application needs X libs and Motif (or LessTif) libs to be compiled
> and I have commercial X server program(something like eXceed).
> Could you please tell me where I can find prebuilt binary files (
> X11R6.4 Lib  + LessTif ) for new cygwin?
> I searched out the mailing lists and related links, but did not find
> proper answer.
> ftp.hungry.org  does not seem to provide lesstif binaries for cygwin.
> Most of X11R6.4 links seem to be related with cygwinB20.1 or older.

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