Running remote X apps

Timothy J. Massey
Wed Nov 29 13:22:00 GMT 2000


I have the X server running on my local NT machine.  I must say I
haven't been this excited since I had an X server running on my OS/2
workstation...  ;)

Now, on to the next step.  I have a Linux box that I want to use to run
remote X apps.  On the NT workstation I tried to use the xhost command:

D:\WIN32\cygwin\usr\X11R6\bin>xhost +
xhost:  unable to open display ""

As you can see, I get an error.  Am I doing something correct, or am I
just jumping the gun on this?

Thank you very much for your help.  It will be nice to have an X server
running on my NT workstation:  I won't have to switch over to the Linux
box to get to the X apps I occasionally need...

Tim Massey

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