Status Update

Suhaib Siddiqi
Tue Oct 17 06:47:00 GMT 2000

> Well, isn't the main reason for all the DOS prompts because a
> couple of
> terminal windows are being launched along with the X-server?
> If the window
> manager can do it, you could open the windows within X (I've
> noticed XFce
> is already ported, for example), and you could remove some
> prompts roight
> there.
> I expect, though, you're looking for a way to feed "run" paramaters to
> XWin.exe
> > 9)  Devise a server start method that doesn't launch a ton
> of DOS prompts
> >     Difficulty: unknown, might cause more confusion than benefit

You need not to do any code modifications.. Cygwin can handle it.  DOS
windows are
for some purpose... that is to get console output of error messages for
debuging purposes.  If
you do not like to see DOS console.. use nohup...
Modify the startxwin.bat file and replace all the
start xxxxx commands with the following:

C:\Cygwin\bin\bash.exe -c "nohup /bin/bash -c ""/bin/bash -c 'XWin -screeon
0 600x800x16 &""&"
C:\Cygwin\bin\bash.exe -c "nohup /bin/bash -c ""/bin/bash -c 'xterm  -sb -sl
2048 -font 7x13bold -sb -e /bin/bash'&""&"
C:\Cygwin\bin\bash.exe -c "nohup /bin/bash -c ""/bin/bash -c
'mxterm  -sb -sl 2048 -font 7x13bold -sb -e /bin/bash'&""&"

You will have no DOS console Windows...


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