Input and Display status update

Harold Hunt
Sun Oct 22 17:10:00 GMT 2000

Today I finished my first round of key mappings for the Windows virtual key
codes to the codes that X uses.  These new key mappings are needed to
replace the DirectInput keyboard code with standard keyboard input code.  I
have built and tested the key mappings, and I've got everything working (on
a US keyboard) except the NumLock key.

The display code hasn't moved much; I'm still at the point where I display
the overlay for the X window screen within a Windows window, but I have to
do a little more math on positioning the window so that video card alignment
and size restrictions for overlays are met.

I have not started on replacing the DirectInput mouse code with standard
mouse input functions.  I'm not sure if this would be worth it for an intial
test release on Win9X, as I haven't really seen anyone reporting problems
with DirectInput acquiring the mouse (though lots of people have had
problems acquiring the keyboard).


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