[ANNOUNCEMENT] Overlay and No DirectInput Test 3

Suhaib Siddiqi ssiddiqi@inspirepharm.com
Mon Oct 30 17:04:00 GMT 2000


On WIndows Me and Win2K both I get the following

_XSERVTransmkdir: Owner of /tmp/.X11-unix should be set to root
Desired Width: 800, Height: 600, Depth: 16
Adjusted Width: 800, Height: 600, Depth: 32

then IDirectDraw_CreateSurface failed 
     Error=xxxx(unkown Error)

Setting my Display to 16-bit gives same error
_XSERVTransmkdir: Owner of /tmp/.X11-unix should be set to root

Desired Width: 800, Height: 600, Depth: 16
Adjusted Width: 800, Height: 600, Depth: 16

then IDirectDraw_CreateSurface failed error

After clicking OK button Server quits.

I will debug later.


-----Original Message-----
From: Harold Hunt
To: Cygx (E-mail)
Sent: 10/30/2000 6:04 PM
Subject: [ANNOUNCEMENT] Overlay and No DirectInput Test 3

There seems to be problems loading the xf_dx.dll library, even though
file exists; I cannot see a relation between my modifications and the
failure of the library to load, so I added a few debugging messages
the loading of the library to assist in debugging.

The new tarball is once again available from:

Once again, the installation instructions are:
cp OverlayAndNoDITest.tar.bz2 /usr/X11R6/bin
cd /usr/X11R6/bin
mv XWin.exe XWin.orig.exe
mv xf_dx.dll xf_dx.orig.dll
bunzip2 OverlayAndNoDITest.tar.bz2
tar -xf OverlayAndNoDITest.tar

Suhaib, John Fortin, and I removed recognized and removed several
files from the xf_dx.dll source package; these files were being compiled
and removing them shaved 40 kB off the size of the compiled xf_dx.dll
Special thanks to them for getting me to finally look into removing some
useless files.  Alas, adding a few debugging messages caused the size to
up 8kB, so the total shrink for this release of xf_dx.dll is 32 kB.

I'm starting to think that there might be a problem in the way that I am
tarballing the EXE and the DLL or in the instructions that I specify for
untarballing them; I may be causing a problem with the xf_dx.dll being
inaccessible to certain users, or, perhaps some versions of Windows need
have the executable attribute set on the DLL.  Pipe up if you have any
pointers or solutions.

I test each release on a Windows 2000 machine and a Windows 98 machine
before I post them; I don't have an NT 4 SP6 machine available, so I'd
appreciate it if someone could give a quick works/doesn't work response
that platform.



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