Problem on windows 2000 machine

Suhaib Siddiqi
Tue Sep 12 03:44:00 GMT 2000

> I took the step to day of loading X on my work machine. Cygwin is
> already running happily, CVS w/SSH working properly etc etc.
> I get the following on the console after running startx (from within
> bash)
> ===
> bash-2.04$ startx
> _XSERVTransmkdir: Owner of /tmp/.X11-unix should be set to root
> pwin->width = 00000500
> pwin->height = 00000400
> pwin->paddedWidth = 00000a00
> pwin->bitsPerPixel = 00000010
> calling winAllocateFramebufferMemory
> XIO:  fatal IO error 104 (Connection reset by peer) on X server ":0.0"
>       after 0 requests (0 known processed) with 0 events remaining.
> ====

That is because I1810 video cards drivers do not fully support
DirectX.  Did you check Intel URL for an updated driver.
Intel is usually VERY VERY lousey in providing PATCHES and 
new drivers.
Their tech support is one of the LOUSIEST I have ever seen in the world.
I had their C++/F compilers, reported bugs to them. It took them six month
to confirm the bugs, and no fixes yet, almost 11 months are gone. 


> There is an accompanying GUI error (error.png).
> The graphics card is a Intel810 w/4Mb memory. (Running at 1024/768
> 16-bit.)
> Windows 2000 pro.
> Sequence of events:
> untarred into /
> added /usr/X11R6 to my cgywin path.
> started new bash
> ran startx - got error couldn't find ./xinit
> edit startx - changed last line from ./xinit .... to xinit ....
> Any suggestions?
> Rob

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