Installation How-To Draft

Harold Hunt
Tue Sep 12 09:32:00 GMT 2000


>An important difference with your result is that the owner is myself
>of "administ".  This is due to the fact that my bash prompt is "oja@Pc_oja"
>instead of "administrator@Pc_oja" (and I don't remember how to change

Hmm... sounds to me like you ran 'mkpasswd -d > /etc/passwd', this creates a
passwd file with the SIDs of all of your Domain's users.  Bash will then
reflect the current user rather than the default of administrator, and
you'll notice that you have a /home/%username% directory instead of

Please test this scenario for me, to determine if your problem is NT
related, Cygwin related, or Cygwin/XFree related: Follow the how-to
instructions, installing a duplicate copy in, say, c:\cygwin2.  The how-to
only addresses the default Cygwin installation; if your duplicate
installation fails, then I'll know that you have found a problem that is NT
specific, and that should be addressed in the how-to. If your duplicate
installation works, then you may have inadvertantly changed a default
setting that the how-to depends on.

Let me know what happens,


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