Problems installing XFree 4 on Cygwin on Win2k

Hajime Murao
Mon Sep 25 04:51:00 GMT 2000


I think you would better to provide more information like what version
of cygwin you are using, what configuration of your computer on what you
would like to execute Xwin.exe, what changes you made on the
startxwin.bat script, and so on, then you must be got some helpful

Hajime Murao

> I got Cygwin working fine, and then installed the Xfree86 binaries.  When I 
> run "startxwin.bat", 3 DOS windows come up - Xwin, the window manager, and 
> one other.  Then Xwin goes fullscreen, but makes weird white patterns on 
> the screen, much like it is using the wrong resolution or refresh rate.  I 
> tried changing the resolution Xwin is called in startxwin.bat, but it 
> didn't change anything.  Any suggestions?
> Thanks,
> Matt Van Wormer
Hajime MURAO, Kobe University
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