Japanese keyboard hack

Hajime Murao murao@al.cs.kobe-u.ac.jp
Wed Sep 27 09:57:00 GMT 2000

> Well unfortunately, we cannot support two different sources tree of XFree86
> and supporting drivers.
> If you can come up with a patch which maintain a single sources and binaries
> then yes
> I would be glad to incorporate into the main branch.

Yes, I completely agree this policy. That was just like a greeting from east end country, and I hope it will help your future work. I will keep working to incorporate the support for non-english keyboard into the main branch in a sophisticated way.

> BTW: We are looking into the option of adding code to xf_dx.dll which would
> get mouse,
> keyboard and monitor resolution settings from Windows control panel.  So
> stay tune for
> new versions whenever we accomplish it

Wow, that's cool idea. It didn't occur to me. It must be helpful for the internationalization, isn't it?


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