Possible cause of Windows 98 failures?

Harold Hunt Harold@compasstechnologies.com
Thu Sep 28 07:06:00 GMT 2000


Okay, I downloaded the source for xf_dx.dll.  Thank you for pointing me to

I'm looking at what should be the code for Xwin.exe in the xfree86 cvs tree
xc/programs/Xserver/hw/xwin/.  Is that the correct directory?  Are the CVS
files up to date?  The time stamps on the files in that directory are all

If been poking around and I'm realizing that map_dx_fb() from ntux_xf.c is
deprecated.  winAllocateFramebufferMemory() in InitOutput.c has commented
out calls to map_dx_fb() that were replaced with a call to
winDXAllocateFramebufferMemory() of xf_xf.dll (at least indirectly of that

ntux_xf.c contains support functions that should not be used in xwin.exe, as
all calls to map_dx_fb() are all commented out; well, excepting the call to
map_dx_fb() in main() of ntux_xf.c, which I am guessing is not used, as
renaming the xmap.sys file that main() attempts to load does not affect the
behavior of the x server.  The support functions in ntux_xf.c all revolve
around using IOControls and a shared memory frame buffer, not DirectX.  The
support functions use functions from the Win32 API that only work on WinNT,
as they are not supported on Windows 9X:
StartService(), etc.

I'm wondering if the main() function of ntux_xf.c gets called at some point
and inadvertantly tries to call the service functions on Windows 98
machines, thus causing a crash.  I did a dumpbin -imports on xwin.exe and
all of the service funtions, as well as iocontrol functions, are linked to
the executable, thus enabling the possibility of a failed call attempt.

I haven't setup a build environment for xwin.exe, so I can't test my theory
yet.  However, I would like to know if my thinking that the service and
iocontrol functions are no longer needed.

Thank you,


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