Keyboard (again)

Francis VIVAT
Fri Sep 29 11:21:00 GMT 2000

Hi Suhaib,

i've found a previous mail of yours :


To: "Patrick Roudaud" <patrick at enserg dot fr>, "Cygwin-Xfree at Sourceware
dot Cygnus. Com" <cygwin-xfree at sourceware dot cygnus dot com>
Subject: RE: XWin keyboard change
From: "Suhaib Siddiqi" <ssiddiqi at inspirepharm dot com>
Date: Wed, 7 Jun 2000 10:42:02 -0400
Cc: <patrick at enserg dot enserg dot fr>


I will help you correct the problem.

The source code is on my home machine and I am at work right now.
If not today I will upload the source code to CVS tomorrow.

Yes, you are right, I forgot all about it.  There is a WinKeyMap.c
which is hardcoded in the xc/programs/Xserver/hw directory.

People willing to port the WinKeyMap.c file to Foreign Language
keyboards, like German, French, and Spanich, please do so and
send me the ported file.  It will help me compile xwin.exe
for different languages.

the winkeymap.c file is already in Cygwin/XFree.  You should be
able to checkout, using CVS xc/programs/Xserver/hw/xwin directory.
The directx.c file had been changed completely.  If you could
port the winkepmap files, I will recompile xwin.exe for
French tonite and upload it to Sourceware.




So i went to CVS to get winkeymap.c, but none exists.
Maybe it's winkeymap.h.
Looking at it, i guess it's easy to change for a foreign version.

I can do it after some answers.

The problem is that with xev, i found that some keys (physical) are not properly
recognized by the X server.
For example, the NumPad keys give the same answer that the true arrows.
Looking in winkeymap.c, it shouln't be like this. Where does it come from ?

BTW, why do your coding of keyboard isn't like the one on Linux (try
xmodmap -pke on your Xwin and on another X) ?


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.(_|                  Francis VIVAT                   |
.  |                    CETP-CNRS                     |
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