Keyboard (again)

Suhaib M. Siddiqi
Sat Sep 30 14:15:00 GMT 2000

>So i went to CVS to get winkeymap.c, but none exists.
>Maybe it's winkeymap.h.
>Looking at it, i guess it's easy to change for a foreign version.

>I can do it after some answers.

>The problem is that with xev, i found that some keys (physical) are not
>recognized by the X server.
>For example, the NumPad keys give the same answer that the true arrows.
>Looking in winkeymap.c, it shouln't be like this. Where does it come from ?

Feel free to send in patch

>BTW, why do your coding of keyboard isn't like the one on Linux (try
>xmodmap -pke on your Xwin and on another X) ?

No idea. Frankly I did not ever look into winkeymap.h
Karra wrote it initially.  It worked on the US Keyboard
and my priorities that time were getting rest of the XF86
code ported to Cygwin.  I never studied it.  If you or anyone
can do a better job, then patches are welcomed.  Peter is working
on adding keyboard, mouse and monitor keyboard added xf_dx.dll,
which should get the settings from Windows control Panel.
Right now he is very busy.  He e-mailed me today that might be at least
a month or more before he could send me modified code, but fi some else
wants to work on it, we will wolcome those patches too.




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