Problems with Dell Laptop

Lundh Christian
Sun Apr 1 00:00:00 GMT 2001


I have tried to run XFree86 for Cygwin on my Dell Latitude Cp laptop (P233,
64MB RAM), with NT4.0-SP6 installed. I use a PS/2 mouse connected to the
docking station (and the built-in touchpad when I am on the move). When I
start Xfree with startxwin.bat I get a error message in a dialog box:

	SetDataFormat(SysMouse, dfDIMouse)
	Error = 80070057(DI_ERR_INVALIDPARAM)

And then the X-server start, but my mouse still controls the Windows
environment, and I can't move the cursor in X.

Has anyone seen this problem and found a solution for it? 


Christian Lundh

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