xfree and 1.1.8

Jonathan Fosburgh syjef@mail.mdanderson.org
Sun Apr 1 00:00:00 GMT 2001

At 01:02 PM 2/22/01 -0500, you wrote:
>As far as I know this is the first time I am hearing from a user
>that XF86 does not work on Cygwin 1.1.8.  On my machine, it worked
>on machine with Cygwin 1.1.8.
>I had been waiting for Xfree86.org to officially release XFree86 4.0.3
>after that I could release the new binaries.
>If it works from command line with Cygwin 1.1.8 then can you explain
>how do you launch it other way?

Apparently it was just moving very, very slowly.  At least it now works 
using mwm from lesstif.  The XFce port does not work, I get a lot of gdk 
errors.  I used the precompiled of that (I used it everyday and it worked 
up until I upgraded cygwin today).  I never had luck with twm, vtwm, etc, 
but I haven't tried those again recently, so they may be working, just very 

Jonathan Fosburgh
Software Systems Specialist III
Communications and Computer Services
UT MD Anderson Cancer Center

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