xterm: Error 14, errno 2: No such file or directory problem with the current binaries at cygwin

Mad Dave dave@ook.demon.co.uk
Sun Apr 1 00:00:00 GMT 2001

> / "Robert Collins" <robert.collins@itdomain.com.au> wrote:
> | This is a special feature of cygwin's strace. It is a generic bug fixer.
Seriously, try running a buggy program under strace. 9/10
> | times, it'll work :-]
> Hey this is not a generic cygwin feature, try your program in a
> debugger, or even the development environment.. you will never find
> any bugs there :-)

Oh so true,,, shame customers dont seem to like the idea of running software
in debuggers :-)

> | > If I perform the following command
> | >
> | > rsh ntxserver "xterm -display mymachine:0 -e bash"
> What happens if you give an absolute path to bash.exe or similar??

The problem still happens

> | > I get the following error
> | >
> | > xterm: Error 14, errno 2: No such file or directory
> | >
> | > But however if I run the xterm through strace with the following
> | >
> | > rsh ntxserver "strace xterm -display mymachine:0 -e bash"
> strace maybe loads in a bit of environment, path and so on when it
> fires up bash...

I can't but help think it may be an environment issue since it only happens
when I try to lanuch a xterm through the rsh daemon.  Are there any
particular envirnoment variables that need to be set ?  The only one I know
of ( apart from having the path set up corectly ) is SYSTEMROOT which needs
to be set to point at the winnt directory ( im runing on win2k )

I have made the xterm start throught the rsh daemon by running the following

rsh ntxserver "/cygwin/c/winnt/system32/cmd.exe /c ""xterm -display
mymachine:0 -e bash"""

I also have another problem, most of the time when I type exit the xterm
goes to 100cpu usage and hangs, however if I click on the 'x' in the top
right of the window instead to close it, it hasn't hang yet.  This also
seems to happen with rxvt.  Unfotuantly I havent been able to reproduce this
when running it through strace.


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