[ANNOUNCEMENT] Shadow Framebuffer Test 1

Robert Collins robert.collins@itdomain.com.au
Sun Apr 1 00:00:00 GMT 2001

----- Original Message -----
From: "Suhaib Siddiqi" <ssiddiqi@inspirepharm.com>
To: "'Robert Collins'" <robert.collins@itdomain.com.au>; "Cygx (E-mail)"
Sent: Thursday, March 22, 2001 7:28 AM
Subject: RE: [ANNOUNCEMENT] Shadow Framebuffer Test 1

> Rob
> I understand.  We will look into your suggestions.
> For your web help.  I uplaoded 4.0.3.  Can you ftp to
> and get the directory structures, I am sure some of your links to ftp
> (xc-4-binaries) and (xc-4) directories are broken now.  I renamed a
> of
> directories to better organize 4.0.2 and 4.0.3 releases.  We need to
> 4.0.2 because new release is X11R6.5.11 based while older is X11R6.4
> Can you please correct broken links, when you get time?  thanks for
> help.
> Suhaib

I'll sit down and do the backlog of web site stuff this weekend.
Meanwhile I realised I'd done the cardinal sin of "why don't you do foo"
with respect to the clipboard. So I went and did it. (Small code base,
nearly flat learning curve)...

I've just sent a patch into cygwin-patches that implements text-data and
binary-data support for /dev/clipboard in cygwin. That should make your
integration quite a bit easier... (assuming it gets accepted).

If you want to try it, grab a current cygwin build tree and apply the
patch. /dev/clipboard doesn't support seeking (yet) but it does support
sequential read and writes. It's a little! slow if you do thousands of
small writes (It has to realloc (total size written+new write size)
every write because the windows clipboard is _not_ stream based but
other than that it's nice and fast. Reads are trivial, as are large

It's kinda neat doing cat foo > /dev/clipboard and having it work :]

I presume that most X software/the X server/somewhere in there there is
support for the concept of /dev/clipboard - so you should be able to
just enable that support and rebuild to make use of it. If
/dev/clipboard was already active, but lacking cygwin actually handling
writes, then just updating the cygwin1.dll will get it going for you.

Hope that helps,

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