can't load xf_dx.dll

Joerg Hessdoerfer
Sun Apr 1 00:00:00 GMT 2001

At 07:16 01.02.01 -0500, you wrote:

>you wrote that you tried compiling Xfree, but could not.
>Compiling Xfree86 will not make a difference.
>However, if you have Visual C++, try downloading xf_dx.dll source code
>from "drivers" directory and compile it on your workstation.
>On OpenDx mailing list many users complain that DLLs were not loading.
>It turns out that I compiled OpenDX on Win2K using VC 6.0 SP4, and
>Windows NT 4/ Win9x users had problems.  The problem was traced back to
>a couple of different export symbols in MSVCRT.DLL.  Aparaently, THANKS
>to MICROSOFT rubbish, that NT4/Win9x had a couple of different
>export symbols in msvcrt.dll then on Win2K.  One of the fix was
>to copy mscvrt.dll from Win2K and put it in windows\system32 directory
>(according to one user), other use MSVC and compile it on your workstation.

Yuck - I just grabbed the src, did a compile (MSVCC 6.0) and - didn't 
compile. Awful
lots of syntax errors of type 'xx is not a member of yy' and such.
Also I saw references to DirectX7 in the code - NT only supports DirectX 3!

What's up with this? Wrong version? What now?


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