FW: XShm (How to build X to get the Shm to work)

Kevin Wright kevin@wright.org
Sun Apr 1 00:00:00 GMT 2001


Since Jerome asked the question about a problem compiling enlightenment
due to no XShm defines, I decided to pass this question to Edward
Lee, who has enlightened me on how to build Xfree86 to actually
support shared memory (XShm).

Here's what he said: (note I haven't tried this yet but will as
soon as I get a chance)

So, the answer to the question about compiling enlightenment and
getting undefines, is that you would need a version of the X(free86)
files that supports XShm because the current release doesn't.


-----Original Message-----
From: edward [ mailto:tailbert@yahoo.com ]
Sent: Tuesday, March 27, 2001 6:35 PM
To: Kevin Wright
Subject: Re: XShm

Sure. I'd check the latest cygwin xfree... since there was just a release. I
don't know if that has shm stuff in it. but who knows, mebbe it does. If it
doesn't, then you have to do a bit of work. you have to check out the cvs
xfree86 code, and update two files:

Change #define HasShm NO

#ifndef HasShm
#define HasShm NO

Change #define ExtraLibraries

#ifndef ExtraLibraries
#define ExtraLibraries


Insert the following (I put it in the before vendor section)

#define HasShm YES
#define ExtraLibraries -lcygipc

then recompile *everything*, especially:


in Font.c: take out the cygipc.h code. should be just

#ifdef HAS_SHM
#include <sys/ipc.h>
#include <sys/shm.h>

in Imakefile: add to the Shm section:
#  ifdef cygwinArchitecture
    REQUIREDLIBS = -lcygipc
#  endif


in Imakefile add:


to the section on HasShm


no change, just remember to compile.

Sorry I can't give you diffs. I've hacked my X source so thoroughly i don't
know if it works anymore :) Of course you need the cygipc package too. 1.09
i think is the latest version.


----- Original Message -----
From: "Kevin Wright" <kevin@wright.org>
To: "Edward" <tailbert@yahoo.com>
Sent: Tuesday, March 27, 2001 8:35 PM
Subject: FW: XShm

> Edward,
> J-d> Is there a way to compile source code that uses XShm (like Imlib2
> J-d> for instance) under cygwin ?
> Do you happen to know how to do this? You once mentioned something
> similar to this regarding building gtk:
> edward> If I recall correctly, one of the X libraries (XFt? XRender?)
> edward> needed some shared memory routines. You can build gtk without
> edward> them, but I wanted them in.
> --Kevin
> -----Original Message-----
> From: cygwin-xfree-owner@sources.redhat.com
> [ mailto:cygwin-xfree-owner@sources.redhat.com ] On Behalf Of Jerome David
> Sent: Tuesday, March 27, 2001 5:15 PM
> To: 'cygwin-xfree@cygwin.com'
> Subject: XShm
> Hi,
> Is there a way to compile source code that uses XShm (like Imlib2 for
> instance) under cygwin ?
> J-D

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