[ANNOUNCEMENT] Shadow Framebuffer Test 15

Francis VIVAT francis.vivat@cetp.ipsl.fr
Sun Apr 1 00:00:00 GMT 2001

BTW, when you leave your XWin in a window alone (not moving anything) for a
while, it repeats :
WaitForSomething () - timeout < 0
forever and ever, until you click or type.

.                         \)|(/
.                         (o o)
. /-----------------ooO----(_)----Ooo-----------------\
.(_|                  Francis VIVAT                   |
.  |                    CETP-CNRS                     |
.  |  10-12, avenue de l'Europe  78140 Velizy         |
.  |             Tel    : +33 1 3925 4780             |
.  |             Fax    : +33 1 3925 4922             |_
.  |      E-Mail : francis.vivat@cetp.ipsl.fr         | )
.  \---------------------------------------------------/
.                        (_)  (_)

----- Original Message -----
From: "Harold Hunt" <huntharo@msu.edu>
To: "Cygx (E-mail)" <cygwin-xfree@sources.redhat.com>
Sent: vendredi 30 mars 2001 17:37
Subject: [ANNOUNCEMENT] Shadow Framebuffer Test 15

> I just posted Test 15 to my usual announcement page:
> http://www.msu.edu/~huntharo/xwin/shadow/
> Changes
> 1) Test 14 clobbered 32 bits per pixel support; that has been fixed.
> Harold Hunt

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