Unable to run xfree86 on Windows NT 4.0 SP 6a?

Denis Haskin denis.haskin@bigfoot.com
Sun Apr 1 00:00:00 GMT 2001

Suhaib Siddiqi wrote:

> XG86Config is not read by the Win32 version of x-server.  You need to adjust
> the resolution in startxwin.bat, that was
> discussed in mailing list and also on FAQ I think.
> Also try installing xfree86-4-devel archive.

Can anyone be more precise about how I should "adjust the resolution"?  I tried
several resolutions, all with the same effect.  The ones I tried were:
    -screen 0 800x600x16
    -screen 0 640x480x8
Any others I should try?

Also, any recommendation on what in the xfree86-4-devel archive should help?  I
did install it, but again no change.

I also noticed that I think the PATH setting in startxwin.bat is wrong.  It adds
"\usr\X11R6\bin;\cygwin\usr\bin" to the path.  Now, I'm not sure how path
entries default the drive letter, but in any case, since I installed cygwin
under d:\cygwin, "\usr\X11R6\bin" doesn't exist anywhere!  I fixed up the PATH
to include an explicit path (e.g. D:\cygwin\usr\X11R6\bin") but that STILL
didn't help...

Does the current resolution settings on my desktop affect this (e.g. control
panel->Display->Settings)?  I have it currently set to True Color, 1280x1024,
85Hz, small fonts.

I'm also not completely convinced that I really have DirectX 3.0a on this box.
Is there any way I can check?

The Microsoft web site is miserable at providing info about this.  The DirectX
page says that "the only version supported on Windows NT 4.0 is DirectX 3.0a.
You must also install Windows NT 4.0 Service Pack 6.", and then points you to
the SP 6a page.  I read somewhere that DirectX 3.0a is included in SP 6 (and
6a?) but I can find no mention of DirectX in any service pack READMEs after SP

Am I confused?  Very...

I'm very close to just going ahead and upgrading this machine to Windows 2000,
if that would guarantee that I could get cygwin/xfree86 to run...

Any further help would be greatly appreciated!


Denis Haskin

p.s. Before anyone suggests it again, yes, I have made sure I have the latest
video driver for the video card, which is a Diamond MM Fire GL 1.

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