[ANNOUNCEMENT] Shadow Framebuffer Test 9

Robert Jacobson teridon@erols.com
Sun Apr 1 00:00:00 GMT 2001


Good news (for me, anyway :)  ) -- this version works for me.  I 
haven't tested a whole lot, but at first glance it works well.

I have found one problem, though.. the alt key doesn't seem to work 
-- at least for my twm mappings.  For example, I have  Meta-Button 1 
mapped to "f.move".  This works using the old server, but not using 
the sfb server.

I wanted to point out something I thought was interesting (I don't 
think its a problem).  When running in windowed mode, and the focus 
is out of the Xserver (in some other Windows program), the X cursor 
still follows the mouse cursor.

Robert Jacobson                        teridon@erols.com
BS, Aeronautical Engineering  Univ. of Md., College Park
Flight Ops. Team - SOlar Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO)

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