prompt colors in xterm

Robert Jacobson
Mon Apr 2 05:53:00 GMT 2001


I've asked this question once, but never got it resolved.

Colored text in xterm prompts displays as black, no matter what the 
foreground/background colors are.  That's invisible if your 
background is black. :(

for example, set PS1 to '\e[0:36m\u\e[m # '

That should make the prompt your username in cyan, and a foreground 
colored "#".  But in cygwin xfree, the username is black.

This happens on both my Win2k and Win98 computers.
Robert Jacobson              
BS, Aeronautical Engineering  Univ. of Md., College Park
Flight Ops. Team - SOlar Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO)

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