prompt colors in xterm

Robert Jacobson
Mon Apr 2 06:45:00 GMT 2001

what .bashrc are you using?  You said "This is my PS1", but then you 
didn't specify what you had PS1 set to.  To elaborate my problem -- I 
don't have problems with single color foreground and background -- 
only when I change the colors on the prompt.  If there are other 
programs that set the color of text while in an xterm, I'll be happy 
to try it if you tell me what they are.

I typically don't using startxwin.bat -- I'm using Harold's shadow 
framebuffer server.  I did use it to see if it made a difference; it 
doesn't help.

Do me a favor, please? -- email me (not to the list) a screen dump of 
your xterm showing me that you have a prompt with a color other than 
black -- and *different* than the foreground color.  At least then 
I'll have faith that it works on some computers.

At 9:03 AM -0400 04/02/01, Suhaib Siddiqi wrote:
>This is my PS1 from my /etc/bashrc which get source by ~/.bashrc on startup.
>I do not have the problems you mention.  I use the following command to
>xterm or mxterm from startxwin.bat
>if "%OS%" == "Windows_NT" start /B xterm -sl 1000 -sb -rightbar -ms red -fg
>yellow -bg black -e bash
>if "%OS%" == "" start xterm -sl 1000 -sb -rightbar -ms red -fg yellow -bg
>black -e bash
>if "%OS%" == "Windows_NT" start /B mxterm -sl 1000 -sb -rightbar -ms red -fg
>yellow -bg black -e bash
>if "%OS%" == "" start mxterm -sl 1000 -sb -rightbar -ms red -fg yellow -bg
>black -e bash
>>  -----Original Message-----
>>  From: Robert Jacobson [ ]
>>  Sent: Monday, April 02, 2001 8:53 AM
>>  To:
>>  Subject: prompt colors in xterm
>>  Hi,
>>  I've asked this question once, but never got it resolved.
>>  Colored text in xterm prompts displays as black, no matter what the
>>  foreground/background colors are.  That's invisible if your
>>  background is black. :(
>>  for example, set PS1 to '\e[0:36m\u\e[m # '
>>  That should make the prompt your username in cyan, and a foreground
>>  colored "#".  But in cygwin xfree, the username is black.
>>  This happens on both my Win2k and Win98 computers.
>>  --
>>  -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
>>  Robert Jacobson              
>>  BS, Aeronautical Engineering  Univ. of Md., College Park
>>  Flight Ops. Team - SOlar Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO)

Robert Jacobson              
BS, Aeronautical Engineering  Univ. of Md., College Park
Flight Ops. Team - SOlar Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO)

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