button mapping in twm doesn't work right

Robert Jacobson teridon@erols.com
Mon Apr 2 07:13:00 GMT 2001

I have the following defined in my .twmrc

Button1 = m     : all           : f.move

So, meta-button1 *anywhere* in the window should allow me to move the 
window.  However, it only works on the frame and titlebar.

This button map entry works on my FreeBSD box, so I believe its the 
local X server.

I tried running twm remotely but the button map still doesn't work 
anywhere in the window.

Robert Jacobson                        teridon@erols.com
BS, Aeronautical Engineering  Univ. of Md., College Park
Flight Ops. Team - SOlar Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO)

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