Keyboard handling

Harold Hunt
Thu Apr 5 10:06:00 GMT 2001

For example, it would be very interesting, and helpful, to me if the
messages generated by AltGr were like the following:

Pressed  1x VK: 0x11 VS: 0x1d A: 0x00 CTRL: -- -- -- LC -- RA -- -- --
Pressed  1x VK: 0x12 VS: 0x38 A: 0x00 CTRL: -- EK -- LC -- RA -- -- --
Released 1x VK: 0x11 VS: 0x1d A: 0x00 CTRL: -- -- -- -- -- RA -- -- --
Released 1x VK: 0x12 VS: 0x38 A: 0x00 CTRL: -- EK -- -- -- -- -- -- --

Notice that I'm hoping that AltGr will raise the RightAlt flag on the
spoofed LeftControl message.  That way I'd be able to say, "Oh, here is a
left control key when right alt is pushed, I can ignore this message".


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