Questionalbe command line defines for Cygwin/XFree86

Robert Collins
Sun Apr 8 17:27:00 GMT 2001

If you guys can provide some pointers on missing thread code I will
endeavour to supply it. FWIW I have a threadglib running here...



> -----Original Message-----
> From: Harold Hunt [ ]
> Sent: Monday, April 09, 2001 10:18 AM
> To: Cygx (E-mail)
> Subject: Questionalbe command line defines for Cygwin/XFree86
> In debugging the freezes and crashes, I've noticed a couple 
> of symbols that
> are defined on the command line.  I don't really like the 
> looks of any of
> these, and I've tried to get rid of a few of them, but I'd 
> like input on
> what they do, and whether other people think we need them.
> 	Happens even when not doing a debug build.
> 	There is some code in WaitFor.c that runs when
> 	XTESTEXT1 is defined; I'm wondering if XTEST
> 	causes XTESTEXT1 to become defined.
> 	We can't really have a screen saver, so why
> 	would we need this?  This could possibly
> 	be affecting the timeout value in WaitFor.c.
> defines ThreadedX and HasThreadSafeAPI
> 	to NO, so what are we allowing to be reentrant?
> Input on this, and our pointers as to how to undefine these 
> symbols would be
> appreciated.
> Harold

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