Environment variables

Suhaib Siddiqi ssiddiqi@inspirepharm.com
Thu Apr 12 04:13:00 GMT 2001

> I might be Novell or our Sys Admin. All I know is that it is not in my
> autoexec.bat file.
> I was surprised to learn that my LAN account had OS=WIN95 set 
> automagically.
> This does not run well with OS="" in startxwin.bat. I'm glad 
> it is being 
> fixed soon. Thus faking it in .bashrc to OS="" did the trick for me.

Let me explain it to you  why I put %OS%="" in startxwin.bat then i will
kill this thread, please.

if you read carefully I have

if %OS% == "Windows_NT" start /B Xwin............
if %OS% == " " start XWin.............

note /B difference.  The start /B is not valid on Windows9x (incxluding ME)
but /B option works on Windows NT/2000.  Windows 2000 sets in control panel

Therefore if a user uses that batchfile on Windos 95 and OS="Windows_NT" is
not returned
then it moves to next if statement and excute the Xwin without /B option.

Now this thread is dead after this.  What your system admin is doing sounds
to me a total
nonsense, because he is changing OS ENV in control panel which Windows sets
and needs.  Your system admin acts of arbitrarily changing OS ENV had
nothing to do with
my startxwin.bat and I did not call him toget an advice how to use if %OS%



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