Xfree or win-x11

Mohammed Dakna dakna@Theorie.Physik.UNI-Goettingen.DE
Fri Apr 13 06:07:00 GMT 2001

I am a bit confuesed about the philosophy behind these parallel ans very
similar projects. I have downloded the latest binaries of win-x11 it works
great (beside small problems and the slowdown at start). However win-x11
do not have xterm. So I had to combine it with xfree and now xterm works
too. So why this scattering around ?? . I causes only loss of diskspace or
what. I am testing now the xwin-18 of halod  in this way.

1)xwin.exe to xwin.exe.org
2)xwin-18.exe to xwin.exe

I still not working. The freeze still occure. Could someone tell me if I
am right proceding


Dr. M. Dakna
Institut fuer Theoretische Physik
Germany //Tel: 49 (551) 397683

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