XFig Access Violation

Pierre A. Humblet Pierre.Humblet@ieee.org
Sun Apr 15 18:29:00 GMT 2001

Hello Gert,

You are the first one to report such a problem. I have just
verified that the xfig you have works fine on my machine (Win98) 
with the latest X11 dll's and XWin. Can you execute other X programs
(xterm, xcalc,..)?

If everything else works, I would suggest getting and compiling 
I can provide you with a suitable Imakefile and instructions.
It's a very easy process.


At 08:48 PM 4/14/01 +0100, Gert Bartholomeeusen wrote:
>	I am new to cygwin (1.1.8) and cygwin-xfree (4.0.3) since this afternoon. 
>  The basic stuff seems to run fine.  I am trying to install and came 
>accross Pierre Humblet's contribution 
>( http://www.hirmke.de/software/develop/gnuwin32/cygwin/porters/Humblet_Pier
>  I downloaded the binary from his site 
>(xfig-3.2.3c-cygwin-1.1-bin.tar.gz).  After performing gunzip and tar I 
>wanted to execute xfig.exe (after having started startxwin.bat).
>I received a message about access violation and stack dump:
>0 [main] xfig 1324 handle_exceptions: Exception: STATUS_ACCESS_VIOLATION
>9236 [main] xfig 1324 stackdump: Dumping stack trace to xfig.exe.stackdump
>Segmentation fault (core dumped)
>	Is there a solution for this problem?
>				Many thanks,
>						Gert
>- I am running Win2000

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