ATI Mach64

Reini Urban
Tue Apr 17 08:08:00 GMT 2001

someone got an ATI card working?
win2000, sp2

ATI Rage II+ PCI (mach64)
Chipset "ATI 3D Rage II+DVD (GT-B2U3)"
DAC-Type "ATI Internal DAC"
8MB VideoRAM

I tried it with this and without clocks also.
Under linux I got it working.

Section "Device"
    Identifier  "ATI Mach64 3D Rage Pro"
    Driver      "ati"
   # possible Chipsets: "ati", "ativga", "ibmvga", "mach32" "mach64" 
    Chipset	"mach64" 
    VideoRam    8192
    # Insert Clocks lines here if appropriate
    Clocks 135.000  32.000 110.000  80.000 100.000 126.000  92.400  36.000
           39.910  44.900  75.000  65.000  50.350  56.640   0.000  44.900
           67.500  16.000  55.000  40.000  50.000  63.000  46.200  18.000
           19.955  22.450  37.500  32.500  25.175  28.320   0.000  22.450
           45.000  10.667  36.667  26.667  33.333  42.000  30.800  12.000
           13.303  14.967  25.000  21.667  16.783  18.880   0.000  14.967
           33.750   8.000  27.500  20.000  25.000  31.500  23.100   9.000
           9.978  11.225  18.750  16.250  12.588  14.160   0.000  11.225

SuperProbe works only as root. I'm root (even "Administrator" renamed to
but it still fails.
Reini Urban

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