xterm question

Pierre Muller muller@cerbere.u-strasbg.fr
Wed Apr 18 04:41:00 GMT 2001

At 13:33 18/04/01 , Suhaib Siddiqi a écrit:

>Works just fine for me.
>I telnet from xterm to my RedHat 7.1 box, started mc, then click mouse on
>bottom menu bar, it works ok for me.     Do you have .Xsession, and
>.Xresources files in your $HOME directory?

  No, only have .Xauthority and .Xdefaults

   I am not a big X users, so maybe this is obvious for most users but
I have no idea if the above files should contain something that
enables this feature or if you are more looking for somethnig that
could disable it

The .Xdefault contains this line, maybe this has some influence ?

XTerm*highlightSelection:  true

Pierre Muller
Institut Charles Sadron
6,rue Boussingault
Phone : (33)-3-88-41-40-07  Fax : (33)-3-88-41-40-99

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