Keyboard handling [Corinna]

Alexander Gottwald
Fri Apr 20 11:25:00 GMT 2001

On Fri, 20 Apr 2001, Francis VIVAT wrote:

> Hi Harold,
> I've just tried another, and discovered something :
> at the begining :
> clear Mod1
> clear Mod2
> and at the end :
> add Mod1 = Alt_L
> add Mod2 = Mode_switch
> I've never put those lines before.
> If I map Mode_Switch to the Alt-L key, the Alt-L works exactly as I want the
> AltGr.
The Mode_Switch keysym tells the Xserver to map the keysym 3+4 as normal 
and shifted keysym to the keys pressed after Mode_switch. You can map
Mode_switch to any key on the keyboard.

But this is just a work around. If you don't need your Control_L key often,
you can also remove the modifier for that key with

xmodmap -e "remove control = Control_L"

But this can't be the solution since most people are used to use Control_L or
AltGr and don't want to use Alt_L. A lot of programs even need the Alt_L key
(eg. Netscape 4).

> So maybe you just have to treat AltGr key like the Alt-L or any normal key, no ?
Pressing AltGr on windows simultates another keypress (Control_L) and we
have to make sure that we can get exact information wether Control_L+AltGr
or just AltGr was pressed. 
> But the good new is that with proper xmodmap, Non-US can use their keyboard.
Or remove the Control_L modifier,
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