Problems with gcc - cygwin 1.1.8/xfree86 4.0.3

George J. Wakileh
Sun Apr 22 15:05:00 GMT 2001

Hi Harold,

I have the latest from cygwin/xfree86.

I really lost track because I worked so much recently.

I needed libXaw.a, LibXmu.a, ...  I think I got this message as I was 
trying to compile png.  I downloaded from because Xaw, Xmu, ... are 
not available thru cygwin.

I am an engineer but not a programmer, so I can do stupid things when it 
comes to SW issues.  :-)  Of course, you and your team are at a much higher 
level of expertise when it comes to your speciality, so you have to bear 
with us.

Thanks for the great work you are doing.

Greetings from Austria.


-----Original Message-----
From:	Harold Hunt []
Sent:	Sunday, 22 April 2001 23:03
To:	'George J. Wakileh'; 'cygwin-xfree'
Subject:	RE: Problems with gcc -  cygwin 1.1.8/xfree86 4.0.3


What are you trying to compile?

If you're trying to compile Cygwin/XFree86 then you want to download the
latest source tarballs for Cygwin/XFree86 from one of our ftp mirror sites.

I don't really understand why you are trying to compile things from
they do not have the source for Cygwin/XFree86.


> -----Original Message-----
> From:
> []On Behalf Of George J.
> Wakileh
> Sent: Sunday, April 22, 2001 4:58 PM
> To: 'cygwin-xfree'
> Subject: Problems with gcc - cygwin 1.1.8/xfree86 4.0.3
> Hello,
> I had some trouble with gcc and Christopher advised to check for
> "LIBRARY_PATH".  He was right, I got rid of it, and things went fine.
>  However, I still have some minor problems which I can't resolve.
> I could compile Xaw and got libXaw.a.  Coming to Xmu, I get
> No rule to make target `/usr/lib/X11/config/Imake.tmpl'
> but I have Imake.tmpl in /usr/lib/X11/config
> I also downloaded the complete Xext as available on,
> but trying to
> compile I get Xlibint.h, Xext.h and extutil.h are missing.
> Where can one
> find those?
> Thanks for your kind answer.
> George

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