[ANNOUNCEMENT] Server Test 21

Andrew Markebo flognat@flognat.myip.org
Mon Apr 23 02:01:00 GMT 2001

/ Pierre Muller <muller@cerbere.u-strasbg.fr> wrote:
|    1) The special AltGr key combinations work correctly,
| but in a xterm window I am unable to print any accentueted char (é, è or à)
| Is this a Xterm feature ?

I think this is more of a shell feature, start an xterm from a machine
that you know that your accented characters work on.. I did it at home
and got the nice swedish äåö to show upp in xterm started fom linux.

|    2) The xterm window that I open with the menu that I get
| when pressing on left button while on background behaves differently
| from the one started by the startxwin.bat file:

Hmm the startxwin.bat starts both a xterm and a rxvt, are you sure you
are trying in the xterm?

|     Arrow keys do not retrieve history of commands and file completion
| also does
| not work. I have no idea which option does allow or disable these features...

This smells either shell or keyboard mapping.. :-) 

|   3) I write myself program for console mode using termcap escape codes,
| these program might be buggy in the sense that the use alternate fonts
| but might forget to disable them on exit.
|     On other telnet client this does not seem to be a problem,
| but under xterm from CygFreeX86 I end up with
| chars being changed after I have run this program:

Have you tried xterm on linux? Other os'es? I don't think Cygwin
should be blamed for something that a bad program does ;-) 'Hey this
program kills my linux-machine, but it only gives an error dialogue on
my winnt machine..'

The problem might be that you can control fonts and so on from within
the terminal on xterm, there are escape-codes to reset the xterm mode,
but I don't have them in my pocket.


| The prompt from bash is changed from:
| [muller@demeter compiler]$
| into
| (Capital A with " on top)muller(paragraph sign)demeter
| compiler(Capital U with " on top)$
| All what is inside one () is the explanation of a single char, as I
| wasn't sure that this would be
| correctly read by different email clients !
| One more positive thing: the mouse for mc works for this version, great!
|    Anyway, thanks again for all your efforts !
| Pierre Muller
| Institut Charles Sadron
| 6,rue Boussingault
| F 67083 STRASBOURG CEDEX (France)
| mailto:muller@ics.u-strasbg.fr
| Phone : (33)-3-88-41-40-07  Fax : (33)-3-88-41-40-99

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