[ANNOUNCEMENT] Server Test 21

Pierre Muller muller@cerbere.u-strasbg.fr
Mon Apr 23 02:40:00 GMT 2001

At 11:01 23/04/01 , Andrew Markebo a écrit:
>/ Pierre Muller <muller@cerbere.u-strasbg.fr> wrote:
>|    1) The special AltGr key combinations work correctly,
>| but in a xterm window I am unable to print any accentueted char (é, è or à)
>| Is this a Xterm feature ?
>I think this is more of a shell feature, start an xterm from a machine
>that you know that your accented characters work on.. I did it at home
>and got the nice swedish äåö to show upp in xterm started fom linux.

You might be right here, starting the xterm from I get those chars.
But I also get them if I start xterm locally and do a telnet to my linux
host later...
Starting the Cygwin Bash directly, I finally noticed that this is a cygwin 
"feature". Pressing é key does nothing there !
This is very annoying in case you want to use files with names that contain 
such chars.
Maybe this should be forwarded to the general cygwin mailing list?

>|    2) The xterm window that I open with the menu that I get
>| when pressing on left button while on background behaves differently
>| from the one started by the startxwin.bat file:
>Hmm the startxwin.bat starts both a xterm and a rxvt, are you sure you
>are trying in the xterm?

I completely disabled rxvt for now in my script
as I have enough troubles trying to understand how xterm works !

>|     Arrow keys do not retrieve history of commands and file completion
>| also does
>| not work. I have no idea which option does allow or disable these 
>This smells either shell or keyboard mapping.. :-)

No, I don't think so, as this is different for the script started xterm and 
the one
started from twm !

>||  3) I write myself program for console mode using termcap escape codes,
>| these program might be buggy in the sense that the use alternate fonts
>| but might forget to disable them on exit.
>|     On other telnet client this does not seem to be a problem,
>| but under xterm from CygFreeX86 I end up with
>| chars being changed after I have run this program:
>Have you tried xterm on linux? Other os'es? I don't think Cygwin
>should be blamed for something that a bad program does ;-) 'Hey this
>program kills my linux-machine, but it only gives an error dialogue on
>my winnt machine..'

I agree partly with you, but using
  -- Dave telnet in xterm emulation mode,
  -- WinAxe (a shareware X server I tested once)
  -- putty.exe ssh client
  -- or even telnet from cygwin bash directly
does not generate that kind of font changes.
So it is at least something specific to the win32 Xfree86 server.

>The problem might be that you can control fonts and so on from within
>the terminal on xterm, there are escape-codes to reset the xterm mode,
>but I don't have them in my pocket.

   Maybe, but shouldn't this be resetted when the program exits?

Pierre Muller
Institut Charles Sadron
6,rue Boussingault
Phone : (33)-3-88-41-40-07  Fax : (33)-3-88-41-40-99

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