Naming of Cygwin/XFree86 components

Harold Hunt
Sat Apr 28 13:30:00 GMT 2001

Recent new features and bug fixes have brought Cygwin/XFree86 to the point
at which we are soon likely to receive massive amounts of attention from
contributors, users, and companies with X products for Windows.  Attention
from contributors and users will be great, but attention from competing
companies could be undesirable.

I am concerned that the name of our executable, 'XWin.exe', the name of our
library, 'libXwin.a', and the name of our primary cvs directory, 'hw/xwin/',
will attract such undesirable attention that we wish to avoid.  I can't
predict whom we might attract attention from, but I can say that StarNet
Communications Corp., , sells a product similar to
Cygwin/XFree86 named X-Win32, .

I do not know if anyone owns a trademark on the name XWin, but I would
certainly agree that the name XWin could too easily be confused with a
competing product named X-Win32.

To avoid potential legal squabbles, which I am not willing to subject myself
to, I am suggesting that we change the names of the aforementioned
Cygwin/XFree86 components before we attract any undesirable attention.

I hereby declare the topic of renaming open for discussion :)

Please keep suggested new names to yourself, to avoid a flamefest, until we,
as a project, have decided whether we will rename any components at all.

Thanks in advance for any input and/or comments,


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