Which parts of cygwin

Felix Daners f.daners@swissworld.com
Fri Aug 10 23:17:00 GMT 2001

Hello everybody

You were very good in anwering my question about the swiss german
keyboard. I use xmodmap with a input file exported from my
linux machine.

I really like the cygwin-xfree X-Server, it works very reliable
in my win 2000 and win NT4 machines with kde running on my
linux station.

The only thing I do not really like is the need of istalling
so much cygwin things.

Does anybody know which packages of cygwin are needed to
run only the cygwin-xfree server on a win NT/2000 machine?
(the minimalist installation of cygwin to meet the


| Felix Daners Engineering
| F.Daners
| Platz 3
| CH-8200 Schaffhausen
| Tel: +41 52 624 92 32
| Fax: +41 52 624 92 31 
| mailto:f.daners@swissworld.com
| http://f.daners.swissworld.com

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