FAQ 6.9 about Maximum number of clients reached. How to find total # of clients?

Charles Sharpe Charles.Sharpe@adelphia.com
Wed Aug 15 14:06:00 GMT 2001

I installed CYGWIN and XFREE recently and followed the Install guide as
posted @ xfree.cygwin.com.  The host PC OS is WIN NT.  Install was done
8-7-01.  I have the problem listed in the cygwin-xfree-faq.htm #6.9 about
Max Clients reached.  I connect with a XDMCP session to a SUN Solaris 7 and
use CDE.  Everything works good untill I exec a command that opens several
connections.  I don't think the connections total more than 25.
Q1. How to I verify how many connections the client is using?

Q2. What other information is needed to provide a complete picture of the
problem to help find a resolution?


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