xc/config/cf/cygwin.rules - ComplexProgramTarget_1

Harold Hunt huntharo@msu.edu
Fri Aug 17 11:22:00 GMT 2001


> for gnumake:
> 	PROGRAMS_EXE=$(foreach prog,$(PROGRAMS),$(prog).exe)

That worked perfectly, you solved the problem.

Below is the new ComplexProgramTarget_1 rule.


 * ComplexProgramTarget_1 - Imake.rules doesn't wrap the program names
 * with ProgramTargetName(), so we need this rule for Cygwin.

#define ComplexProgramTarget_1(program,locallib,syslib)			@@\
  OBJS = $(OBJS1) $(OBJS2) $(OBJS3) $(OBJS4) $(OBJS5) \			@@\
         $(OBJS6) $(OBJS7) $(OBJS8) $(OBJS9) $(OBJS10)			@@\
  SRCS = $(SRCS1) $(SRCS2) $(SRCS3) $(SRCS4) $(SRCS5) \			@@\
         $(SRCS6) $(SRCS7) $(SRCS8) $(SRCS9) $(SRCS10)			@@\
  PROGS_EXE = $(foreach prog,$(PROGRAMS),ProgramTargetName($(prog)))	@@\
AllTarget($(PROGS_EXE))							@@\
ProgramTargetHelper(program,SRCS1,OBJS1,DEPLIBS1,locallib,syslib)	@@\
DependTarget()								@@\
LintTarget()								@@\
clean::									@@\

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